Introducing Mon Subnet: The New Home of DeFimons

4 min readMay 31, 2022


The core team behind Defimons is proud to announce our own Avalanche Subnet, Defimons Blockchain (MON Subnet). Integrating with Avalanche, MON Subnet will be the home to our main game called Defimons.

We’re also proud to announce the formation of MonStudios. This entity has been established as a long term testament of bringing our vision to life.

The creation of Mon Studios will not only help us achieve the goals on the current DeFimons Roadmap more efficiently — it will also facilitate the creation of new features and products for years to come.

Why an Avalanche Subnet?

Defimons is an active gameplay based MMO. With multiple integrations with projects spanning over multiple chains, our main goal is to improve UX and reduce friction for new and current users.

Avalanche subnets provide a way for projects to commission a group of Avalanche validators to validate custom, app-specific blockchains that inherit the technical advantages from Avalanche’s primary 3 chains (P-Chain, X-Chain, and C-hain, which together form Avalanche’s Primary Network). MON Subnet is an EVM compatible Subnet that will be validated by Avalanche’s Snowman Consensus protocol using proof of stake for sybil deterrence.

More information on Avalanche subnets can be found here:

Powerful UX & Usability

One of the great advantages of building as an Avalanche Subnet is scaling. With the game expecting high volumes of users and transactions, we had three mandatory design features:

1. Keep transaction fees low
2. Ensure users had dependable RPC infrastructure
3. Isolate users from congestion caused by other high-traffic applications across Avalanche

In-game bridging will be provided to allow users to easily bridge tokens from multiple chains and provide liquidity on our DEX. Integrations with existing DEXes on other chains will be built into the game to reduce barriers of entry into Defimons.

We’re also working towards integrations with fiat on-ramps to provide a seamless way of buying our token directly via Credit Cards.

MON as Gas token

As we move towards a complex game economy built around multiple variables rather than a single variable of a token, it is important for us to define the use cases of our token.

Another big advantage of building as an Avalanche Subnet is our ability to empower the MON token to be used as a gas token. Players will use MON to pay for transactions on the MON Subnet.

But, where will the MON used as gas fee go?

  • A portion of the gas fee will be burnt. This will continuously increase the value of MON by implementing a consistent burn mechanic and deflating the supply.
  • A portion will be added to the Game Fund to be distributed back to players via Battles and Adventures.
  • A portion will be given to the designated wallets of the validators. This allows us to attract more validators and further decentralize the chain.

The effective total supply of MON will always remain at 300 Million, with measures for token burning placed in gas fees and in-game transactions.

Subnet Validators

Running an Avalanche subnet requires establishing a set of Avalanche validators. To start, we will be partnering with several teams to establish an initial set of validators.

In the long term we plan to open applications for community members, guilds, projects and other partners to join the validator set and earn rewards. All subnet validators are required by the subnet technology to be an Avalanche Primary Network validator. The current staking requirements of Avalanche is 2000 AVAX per validator.

In addition to this staking floor, validators hoping to join the MON Subnet group will be required to stake MON and be whitelisted for the subnet. We hope to make the MON Subnet a permissionless proof of stake network for anyone to join and continue securing the chain.

Omnichain NFTs

All NFTs used by players while playing Defimons will be Omnichain compatible, thus allowing them to be trade-able on other chains such as Ethereum, Avalanche C-Chain and more, bringing in more liquidity and more users.

Things are moving fast and more information coming soon. So be sure to join our fast-growing Discord family to get the latest news.

Mon Studios & Mon Subnet is just the beginning 👾

Twitter: @TheDefimons and @MonStudiosHQ.

About Avalanche

Avalanche is the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, as measured by time-to-finality. Avalanche is blazingly fast, low cost, and eco-friendly. Any smart contract-enabled application can outperform its competition by deploying on Avalanche. Don’t believe it? Try Avalanche today.

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